HRT Suppository Tutorial

Progesterone is a frequently used component of HRT, despite hit-or-miss results many people swear by it and want access to it. This guide covers production of suppositories which are relatively inexpensive to make, although the process is annoying.


Tools (non-consumable):


  • Suppository base - Suppository bases are a substance which can melt for mixing powder into it, but must set back into a solid substance for use. They either melt or dissolve at body temperature.
    • PolyBlend Rx - Rather costly, but it allows storage of suppositories at room temperature without melting.
    • Coconut Oil - Cheap and can be bought locally, but suppositories must be refrigerated otherwise they will be unusable.
  • Weight Boats - Optional, but makes weighing powders less annoying.


APIs can be purchased from Hubei Vanz by messaging them on WhatsApp at +86-159-2778-4577.

  1. Progesterone 57-83-0
    1. 200g $160
    2. 500g $270


The target volume for the recipes is 200mL for 150 suppositories. Note you may get some adhesion loss so actual dose per suppository will likely be slightly less. The cold suppository base in 150 of the 1.2mL takes about 180mL of space.

There is no official density provided for PolyBlendRx, the density provided is from my experimentation. Make sure the combined volume is correct.

100mg Suppositories

Ingredient Mass (g) Density (g/mL) Volume (mL)
PolyBlend Rx 162.86 0.87 187.2
Progesterone 15 1.171 12.8
Total 202.19 200 (target)

200mg Suppositories

Ingredient Mass (g) Density (g/mL) Volume (mL)
PolyBlend Rx 143.44 0.87 164.9
Progesterone 30 1.171 35.1
Total 173.43 200 (target)


Wear gloves and ensure your workspace is clean. Note that this process is messy. The mold, beaker, and pipettes should be clean prior to starting, running boiling water through the pipette is a good way to unclog it. Cleaning with IPA is recommended, but be sure everything is dry before starting.

  1. Weigh out the required amount of PolyBlendRx pellets based on the selected recipe above.
  2. Set your hot plate to medium heat and mix the PolyBlendRx until melted.
  3. Weigh out the desired amount of progesterone onto one of the weigh boats.
  4. Add the progesterone and mix/heat until it dissolves.
    1. This can take a few minutes.
    2. Note the progesterone needs heat to dissolve into the mixture. More than the PolyBlendRx needs to melt. If you are having issues, increase your heat.
  5. Reduce the heat level on the mixture until the solution can stay in your pipette without dripping all over the place. This may take some trial-and-error.
  6. Being careful not to drip the mixture, use the pipette to fill the suppository molds.
    1. You do not want to overflow the molds, as it will quickly make a mess.
    2. Getting down to eye level with the mold every so often is a good way to check if the molds are underfilled.
    3. Note the mix shrinks as it cools, so previously full molds may appear to be underfilled over time.
  7. Transfer the suppository mold to the refrigerator to harden.
    1. You may be able to do this without waiting, but be careful. It may be safer to wait until they are partially solidified first.
    2. Allow the suppositories to cool in the fridge for 20 minutes.
  8. Transfer the suppositories to the final container from the mold.
    1. If you are using PolyBlendRx, you can store them at room temperature.
    2. If you are using coconut oil, refrigeration is required.


Take one suppository before bed daily.

To do so, wet the suppository with warm water to soften and push it in 2 inches rectally. Note that 2 inches isn’t necessarily required, if the suppository isn’t coming out and isn’t causing an obvious “need to go to the bathroom” feeling, you inserted it deep enough. Note it can be more comfortable to take them specifically before lying down as PolyBlendRx takes a little while to dissolve.